I'm using mutt 1.2.5i from Debian 2.2.  It seems that, if I have a
message with message/rfc822 attachments (eg, some mailing list
digests), I can do some but not all of the operations on the
attachment that I could do on a normal message.  In particular, I
want to save an attachment as a separate message in another folder.
(Pressing s offers to save to a file, as with other attachment
types.)  The best I can do is to bounce the attachment to myself,
then save it.

A neat way to handle this would be to have a mode in which an
attached message/rfc822 (or perhaps all such attachments for a given
message, but this could get confusing for nested message/rfc822
attachments) would be treated as a mini-mailbox, permitting all
functions normally available in index mode.  A keystroke in the
attachment menu would enter this mode.

Please Cc: me on replies, if you don't mind.


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