On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 10:05:49PM +0100, Daniel González Gasull wrote:
> Hi! :-)
> * Magnus Bodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote To [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> > Couldn't it be left as an exercise to the witted
> > user or 3rd-party-developer to write a good
> > search-enginge (probably based on grepmail) and
> > PROVIDE A HOOK for invoking this search-function
> > in conjunction with "limit".
> > 
> > I'd like to press a key, invoke the search program
> > which gets two arguments; the mailbox/dir and my
> > search expression; it returns whatever mutt needs
> > to do a mailbox limitation on the resulting
> > message set.
> It isn't what you are looking for, and probably you
> already know it, but, if you search "~b foo" in a
> mailbox, you are searching "foo" in message bodies.

Yes I know. I just would have liked to have an external hook too, 
like ~X perhaps? 

Multiple box search is also still of interest. 
Especially when searching for ~i



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