* Joe Philipps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [18/12/00, 15:41:35]:

> >On a related issue, your key is not on the servers:
> >- - -
> >[-- PGP-Ausgabe folgt (aktuelle Zeit: Mon Dec 18 09:50:15 2000) --]
> >gpg: Unterschrift vom Mon 18 Dez 2000 06:29:09 CET, DSA Schlüssel ID FA029353
> >gpg: Schlüssels FA029353 von wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net wird angefordert ...
> >gpg: Schlüssel FA029353: Öffentlicher Schlüssel importiert
> >gpg: Anzahl insgesamt bearbeiteter Schlüssel: 1
> >gpg:            importiert: 1
> >gpg: FALSCHE Unterschrift von "Joe Philipps (Philipps family sig) 
> >[-- Ende der PGP-Ausgabe --]
> >- - -
> >(The important line is the last one saying 'WRONG signature from (...)'.)
> First, sorry, the only language I understand is English, and I've had
> 4 years of Spanish study (meaning I'm not exactly fluent but I
> understand it some).  I'm guessing that's German in your GPG message.

Right. Basically it says:
[-- PGP output follows (current time: Min Dec 18 09:50:15:2000) --]
gpg: signature on Mon 18 Dez 2000 06:29:09 CET, DSA key ID FA029353
gpg: keys FA029353 requested from wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net
gpg: key FA029353: public key imported
gpg: number of keys processed: 1
gpg:            imported: 1
gpg: WRONG signature from "Joe Philipps (Philipps family sig) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
[-- End of PGP output --]


Kai Blin Webmaster    of  http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/uni/thm/molgen/
Univ. of Tuebingen  Inst. of   Human   Genetics  fon +49-7071-2974890
Wilhelmstrasse 27   Dept. of Molecular Genetics  fax +49-7071-295233
D-72074 Tuebingen   Do molecular biologists wear designer genes?

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