
> I was wondering if it is possible to automatically move "old" mail
> (say, older than a month) from my inbox to a different folder
> (inbox.old for example).  Pine does this, and I think it's usefull to
> prevent my HD filling up with old mail (and not having to delete every
> mail myself).

I have someting like this for removing old mail from some lists:

folder-hook =from$ 'push D~r>1d\n'  # 2 days

When I adopt it to your problem, the hook could be as follows:

folder-hook "!" 'push T~r>1m\n;s=inbox.old\n'

This hook is applied on Inbox (aka "!") and it tags (T) all messages
older the one month (~r>1m) and saves all tagged messages (;s) to
another folder (=inbox.old). All saved messages will be marked as
deleted in your Inbox (and will be deleted on request or when leaving
this folder).
I haven't tested it, but I hope it works for you.

But if you want to save disk space, then it's only useful if you store
your mails to an compressed folder ore on another filesystem...

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
"A computer without COBOL and Fortran is like a piece of chocolate cake
without ketchup and mustard."                          -- John Krueger

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