I have just released the very first version of pilot-maildir(1).

pilot-maildir(1) is basically a rewrite of the pilot-mail(1) program
from the pilot-link package, which was originally written by Kenneth
Albanowski.  The intent behind writing this program was to have
something which fits my own needs.

For those who don't know pilot-mail, it's a program which is used to
synch your e-mail with a PalmOS device's included mail reader.

You can download pilot-maildir from
Public CVS access is available at the same place as with mutt - just
check out the pilot-maildir module instead of mutt.

Features new with pilot-maildir include:

- Robustness (sort of).  You can't drive this program crazy just by
  including some newline characters with some header.

- maildir support.  pilot-maildir will upload a maildir folder's
  contents to your PalmOS device.  Messages uploaded will be marked
  with the "Trash" flag, which implies that you can delete them the
  next time you run mutt.  Messages aren't duplicated onto the
  PalmOS device.

- Limited MIME support: pilot-maildir will RFC2047-encode your
  outgoing messages' subject header, and quoted-printable encode
  your outgoing messages' bodies if necessary.  (Yes, I do use
  Umlauts. ,-)

- Truncating long messages.  pilot-mail just skips long messages.
  pilot-maildir truncates them according to your Palm's settings.

Features missing from pilot-maildir:

- POP support.  This is included with pilot-mail.  I don't plan to
  add it - there are enough POP clients around already.

- Incoming MIME support.  Currently, I'd strongly suggest you use
  mutt's decode-copy and decode-save functions in order to copy a
  message to the folder you later plan to upload onto the Palm.

In order to build and run this program, you must have libpisock from
the pilot-link package installed.  pilot-link is available from

Please note that this program has not been thoroughly tested, and
has only been built on a Debian GNU/Linux system.

Credits go to the original author of pilot-mail, and to Michael
Elkins for mutt's date routines which have been ruthlessly stolen
for the purposes of pilot-maildir (1).

Thomas Roessler                         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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