On Tue, Jan 23, 2001 at 05:57:42PM -0500 or so it is rumoured hereabouts, 
Renata thought:
> There are lots of different settings for mailboxes and paths to be recognized, but I 
>am wondering if there's a way to have mutt list multiple folders when I try to change 
>folders from within it.
> More to the point, I have my mailbox in /var/spool/mail, and have mutt copy 
>everything I send out to ~/Mail/out. When I want to change folders from mutt, and hit 
>? for a list, I can get to my "out" box. But when I want to change back to the other 
>folder, mutt won't list it no matter what I try. I wind up having to type the entire 
>path out every time. 
> Is there a way for mutt to be able to list all the available folders when you hit c, 
>and ? for a list without all of those folders being in one directory?
Set up your folders using the "mailboxes" command in your ~/.muttrc


mailboxes /var/spool/mail ~/Mail/out

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