I usually read my mail sorted by threads. Once in a while (on some lists
the while is pretty short), threading breaks because some moron hit
the "Reply"-Button not to reply but to compose a message completely
unrelated to the one he is replying to. His messages and the replies to
it subsequently clutter the original thread.

Example given below. "Considering Debian" is completely unrelated to the
thread "Communicator-after-Mozilla", but appears as part of the thread.

I know that I have read about this matter before, but had no luck
searching the archives: what possibilities are there to fix that
issue? I´m thinking of a macro/script combination called from withing
mutt that deletes the misleading "In-Reply-To:" and "Reference" headers
in the mbox file that holds the thread, and makes mutt re-read the
folder, now with two separate threads.  Anyone done that before?


,---- [ ascii art - plz forgive me ]
| Communicator-after-Mozilla
| I=>
|    I=>
|       I=>Considering Debian
|          I=>
|             I=>
|                I=>
|                 I=>
|                  I=>
|                   I=>
|                    I=>
|    I=>
|       I=>

christian r. molls                            the rain descended,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               and the floods came

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