On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 02:37:26PM +0100, Kai Weber wrote:
> + Jason Helfman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > This works fine in Xterm, however in Eterm this brings up a mod menu for
> > the Eterm I am working in. Does anyone know how to change this behavior?
> Had this problem, too. Someone on this list helped me (sorry, forget
> who exactly). Add this lines to your theme.cfg:
> ---- cut here ---
> # F1 - F4 since xterm sends different codes for these mutt is looking for them
> # instead of what Eterm sends by default.
>     keysym 0xFFBE "^[OP"
>     keysym 0xFFBF "^[OQ"
>     keysym 0xFFC0 "^[OR"
>     keysym 0xFFC1 "^[OS"
> ---- cut here ---

I just had this problem as well, but I decided to configure mutt for
Eterm instead of what Kai suggested.  If you bind your manual macro to
"\e[11~" in your ~/.muttrc, you can use F1 in Eterm to view the manual.
All the key codes generated by Eterm for the special keys are listed in
the documentation installed with Eterm as well.  

Jeremy A. Gray                        A434 Chemical and Life Sciences Laboratory
Graduate Student--Chemical Physics    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                            http://www.students.uiuc.edu/~jagray/
"Remember the Pueblo.  " -- The Fourth Law of Marvin

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