On Tue, Mar 13, 2001 at 11:28:18AM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 13, 2001 at 06:58:32PM +0800, Horace G. Friend III wrote:
> > 
> > I've got pgp (ver. 6.5.8i) working outside of mutt. I can also verify
> > signed msgs after I get their public keys outside of mutt.
> > 
> > But I can't sign outgoing msgs. After selecting the (s)ign command
> > from the pgp menu enter my passphrase, I get a
> > 
> > received signal 11
> > press any key to continue...
> > 
> > message and the message doesn't get sent.
> Do you have 
> source "/usr/local/src/mutt-1.2.5/contrib/pgp6.rc"

yes, it's in ~/.mutt/muttrc. I changed all "pgp6" to just plain 
"pgp" for pgp to work within mutt.

And I removed this entry that was in the bottom of pgp6.rc

set pgp_getkeys_command="pkspxycwrap %r"

because it causes an error whenever I try to verify sigs in signed

> in .muttrc? (with the appropriate path for your machine) This is
> probably not the problem, but it's necessary.
> PGP 6.5.8 and pgp6.rc don't work smoothly together when encrypting to
> an untrusted key. When sending to an untrusted key PGP promts:

I tried encrypting a message that I addressed to myself and to another
who is in my pubring and both don't work. Seems like I need to do more
tweaking. Any ideas?  


>   WARNING:  Because this public key is not certified with a trusted
>   signature, it is not known with high confidence that this public key
>   actually belongs to: "Nancy Nobody <nosuchperson@nowhere>".
>   Are you sure you want to use this public key (y/N)?
> Mutt apparently does not pass a "y" response back to PGP and so the
> encryption fails due to the default "N."
> If the key is trusted the question is not asked and the encryption
> succeeds.
> I asked about a fix for this before but got no responses. Fiddling
> around today I found a hack that's ugly but works: remove the +batch
> from the encrypt command in pgp6.rc. During the encryption process
> after the prompt:
>  Are you sure you want to use this public key (y/N)?
> appears, answer "y", then blindly "y" again and <enter>. The encrypted
> message will be sent.   

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