Todd Holloway wrote:
> I"m using 1.3.13i and when I get an attached HTML files (I haven't
> tested other types yet) and I use "f" to forward, the HTML part
> itsn't included.
> Even when I first "view" the HTML...and then forward with "f"...
> it still isn't included.
> I figured out how-to fwd the full headers (by using "h" to
> view then and then forwarding them...what I'm I doing wrong here.
> thanks,
> todd
> --
> Todd "Pier" Holloway
> Have a happy mind...

I am no Mutt expert, but I'll take a shot at this one.  :o)  If I'm
wrong, I'll shut up and go off into the corner until I know better. 

It seems as if you want to forward the message as a MIME part.  Check
the status of $mime_forward and $mime_forward_decode.

If $mime_forward is set, (actually, you might want to use 'ask-yes' or
'ask-no' since it's a quad-option variable, selecting yes,) and
$mime_forward_decode is unset, then the forwarded message with all of
it's attachments should be included as an attachment to the message you
are composing.  Alternatively, you could use the <attach-message>
command, which is bound to 'A' by default in compose.

Either of these approaches might yield the results you desire.

        -- Mr. Wade

Linux: The Choice of the GNU Generation

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