Lars Hecking wrote:
> > Well, passing the message to a very simple one line script seems
> > to work.  I made a ~/.mutt/mailout (mode +x to make it
> > executable):
> > 
> >         #!/bin/sh
> >         cat | procmail ~/.procoutrc
> >         # End of ~/.mutt/mailout
>  [Splutter] Useless Use of cat.

Thanks, Lars, for that marvelously helpful comment.  I didn't
find any better solution on my own, though.

Using 'set sendmail="procmail ~/.procoutrc"' didn't seem to work
because of the recipients being included on the command line by
Mutt.  Is there a better way to get the message passed to
procmail from Mutt?

Also, I apologize for breaking a couple of message threads.  It
was unintentional, of course.  =)

Linux: The Choice of the GNU Generation

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