On Fri, Apr 06, 2001 at 01:11:31AM +0200, Andre Majorel wrote:
> On 2001-04-04 10:35 -0600, Duke Normandin wrote:
> > What could be some of the reasons why Mutt would NOT be deleting its
> > temporary files in the muttrc-defined /tmp directory? Permissions?? Tia..
> Do your leftover files have backup suffixes (E.G. "*~") ? Mutt
> can't guess that your editor is configured to make backup files.

I don't know -- can't remember ;) I nuked the last bunch. I use Joe as my
editor, so I'll make sure that it doesn't write any backup files. I'm
sure that I specified a different backup directory for Joe though. This
nuisance only happens sporatically. Thanks!

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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