On Fri, Apr 06, 2001 at 06:01:28AM -0400, Thomas Dickey wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 06, 2001 at 08:24:14AM +0100, Dave Pearson wrote:
> > On Fri, Apr 06, 2001 at 08:12:41AM +0100, Dave Pearson wrote:
> > 
> > > If that's what you're after perhaps you could run mutt inside an xterm (M-x
> > > term RET) [SNIP]
> > 
> > That should have ream "eterm", not "xterm".
>                    read

Ahh, yes. Typo when fixing a typo.

> what difference does that make?

eterm vs xterm? The former is something inside emacs, the latter isn't.

Dave Pearson:                   |     lbdb.el - LBDB interface.
http://www.davep.org/           |  sawfish.el - Sawfish mode.
Emacs:                          |  uptimes.el - Record emacs uptimes.
http://www.davep.org/emacs/     | quickurl.el - Recall lists of URLs.

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