On Sun Apr 08, 2001 at 04:0955PM -0400, Phil Sexton wrote:
> I have mutt working how I want it to now (best mail client I have used, I 
> think, BTW).  I would like to play sounds upon new mail.
> Previously, I used the clockmail applet in gnome to do so, but I only 
> understand how to set it up to play for the mail spool file.  I am using 
> procmail to move the mail to folders.
> Would any of you know how to play a new mail wav file upon arival of new 
> mail? I would like to:
> esdplay mail.wav
> It would really be neat if I could play different wavs for different 
> mailboxes.

I got the same prob. All mail checkers seem to work with the spool
file, so they only check if the file is == 0. But you need a proggie
that checks if the size of the mailbox or mailfolder has changed.
You could easily do a shell script that checks the sizes and in case
of a change of the mailbox size plays a sound.
... or do something graphical like the clockmail applett


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