CB wrote:
> I've got a couple of things that I can't make work right.  The main one
> that I'm interested in is saving sent messages.  Refer to my attached
> muttrc.  Can you tell me why it's not saving sent messages to
> ~~/nsmail/Sent?
> # Folder and Mailbox ######################################################
> #set write_inc = 10
> set sort_browser = reverse-date
> set record = "Sent"
> #set pipe_split = no
> #set pipe_decode = no
> #set pipe_sep = "\n"
> #set move = ask-no
> #set mask = "!^\\.[^.]"
> #set mbox = ~/nsmail
> #set mbox_type = mbox
> #set mh_purge = no
> #set confirmappend = yes
> #set confirmcreate = yes
> set copy = yes
> #set default_hook = "~f %s !~P | (~P ~C %s)"
> #set fcc_attach = yes
> #set fcc_clear = no
> set folder = "~/nsmail"
> #set folder_format = "%2C %t %N %F %2l %-8.8u %-8.8g %8s %d %f"
> #set folder_format="%N %-8.8u %8s %d  %N %f"
> #set force_name = no

$record needs to be the path to the mailbox where you want your
outgoing mail saved, e.g.

        set record="~/nsmail/Sent"

By the way, if you specify $folder before $record, then you can
use "+" or "=" in the path name.  The "+" or "=" will expand to
the value of $folder, e.g.

        set folder=~/nsmail
        set record=+Sent

Good luck.

        -- Mr. Wade

Linux: The Choice of the GNU Generation

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