You might want to fix your time
  Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2001 03:52:47 +0900

On Sat 10 Feb 2001, Joss Winn wrote:
> Many thanks for all the advice answering my dumb questions.  I hope this next one is 
>as simple to solve.  
> I want to read Japanese text.  I'm not too concerned with writing it at the moment, 
>but would like to read it.  Right now, I am botching it by opening up Japanese mail 
>in emacs which displays Japanese text perfectly.  I have found numerous references on 
>the web concerning mutt and Japanese but they all seem a bit dated and involve 
>patching and recompiling source code.  Also in the manual there is a reference to 
>charset_hook but I can't get it to work.  I have also tried changing the font of my 
>terminal but that doesn't help either.
> All advice would be gratefully recieved.
> Joss
> -- 

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