On Sat, May 05, 2001 at 01:43:30AM +0100, Mark Sheppard wrote:
> I missed that post - I've only been using mutt (and subscribed to the
> list) for a few days, but that sounds like the kind of thing I want.
> Unfortunately when I add this line to .muttrc then run mutt and hit
> `s' on an email with `L' by it it doesn't work, I just get prompted
> for a mailbox name:
>   Save to mailbox ('?' for list): =

Hmmm. Well, I obviously didn't try it - I figured Lars was
authoritative! :)

I subscribe to multiple mailing lists but I use procmail to separate the
mail into the different folders before reading. Less work in the long
run, I find. Have you considered that? You might find it a lot more
satisfying than parking a brick on the 's' key....


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