Le Sun, May 06, 2001 at 03:08:11PM -0500, Tim Legant a écrit:
> > seems like a problem with \ and # parsing...
> Nope, it's working the way it should. Comments are stripped first. This
> is true of just about every programming / configuration language in the
> world. I say "just about" because someone will probably point to one
> that doesn't work this way, but it would be the odd exception.

Yes, I see what you mean. As I was saying by mail to someone
else, it's the difference between the logical computer language
and human thought :)

Anyway, and just for debate, what do you think of the following:

# this line is a comment \
but what is this one ?

is 2nd line a comment as there is the "\" indicating the "parsing
continue on next line", or is it not, as everything beyond the #
will be treated as comment and so not analysed ?

in the case of mutt, the comment continue til the next blank
line, but I'm not sure every soft acts in the same way...

> > any workaround (other than putting every # folders at the end of
> > the list, of course) or bug correction ?
> Try
> mailboxes +amazon
> #mailboxes +announces
> mailboxes +arrivees

Did it right. Many, many thanks.

BOFH excuse:
Police are examining all internet packets in the search for a narco-net-traficer

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