
I think there is an argument in favor of including rough support of MTA in
mutt, which is that MTA handling should be a system administrator (root) task 
and not a user's task. It is especially true with MTA which listens on the
SMTP port.

When users haven't root privileges, it isn't possible to configure any MTA I
know. Maybe there exits such a MTA, but I don't know it. 

It is my opinion, and I am not a sysadmin, but if I were ;-), I wouldn't like 
sendmail or even postfix to be installed on workstations, as I think it is bad 
and unusefull in a classical LAN architecture. sSMTP is a good replacement, but
has to be configured by root.

Notice that it isn't a request, but only an thought. And notice also that my
example come from a real life situaton, where a 'courageous' user in a NT
environment use linux, with sysadmins having no time to bother with that
singularity, but also picky on security.


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