On Wed, 16 May 2001 12:54:05 -0400 Mike Schiraldi wrote:

> > Mutt needs mindshare. Otherwise we all lose. Some day you'll wake up and
> > mutt won't be able to read mail cause 99% of the world is using
> > proprietary MS|Sun|Oracle|Whatever extensions.
> The best protection against all those extensions is the Unix "do one thing
> and do it well" philosophy. After all, you're suggesting just such an
> extension. Next someone will want mutt to render HTML, for much the same
> reasons. 

It's me! No, seriously, HTML e-mail is IMVHO not something to be afraid 
of. See JUdell(1995). And that is exactly the reason, why I would vote 
for gmutt too (I know, that you CAN make console HTML viewer -- but 
exactly in things, which are the most important for HTML mail, like 
tables, is Lynx the weakest link).

                Happy flaming!


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