Hello Mutt Users!
On wtorek, 15 maj 2001, 22:22:54 +0200 Tomasz Olszewski wrote:

> I have a little problem with displaying the proper date in mutt. My
> date_format is set to "%c".

Now I know that what I was trying to do is impossible. I looked in the
source and realized that mutt preprocesses the date_format looking for
%Z; that mutt saves the sender's time zone and then restores it. Now,
when I know how it works, I changed my date_format and everything is
fine (there is no name of sender's time zone, only the time difference
but this is not so important ;)).

Tomasz Olszewski | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Optymistę spotyka w życiu tyle samo niepowodzeń i tragedii, co
pesymistę, ale optymista znosi to lepiej." -- Martin Seligman  

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