On Wed, May 23, 2001 at 10:26:10AM +0200, Louis-David Mitterrand sat at the 'puter and 
> * On Tue, May 22, 2001 at 01:40:57PM -0400, Louis LeBlanc wrote:
> > I recently built mutt with Vsevolod Volkovs nntp patch.  For the most
> > part, I love it.  It has much the same interface in the index.
> > 
> > The only thing I have trouble with, is subscribing to groups and
> > seeing the group list.
> > 
> > I cannot subscribe to any groups because I am unable to view the
> > groups list.  Is anyone else having this problem?  Should I rebuild
> > the whole thing?
> Press TAB when in folder (newsgroup) browser to toggle between
> subscribed/general view.

I realized that, of course, but the real problem is that when I press
tab or '?' to get that list, I was getting a segfault.  I even spent
hours poring through code and running mutt in the debugger without
getting to the root of the problem.  It was related to a call in
browser.c where a null pointer was referenced, but I couldn't really
tell where that pointer was intended to be set.  The <tab> or <?> key
is supposed to initiate a callback being passed to the
mutt_FormatString() call, but the folder struct seems to think it is
handling an imap folder (hence the null pointer).  In all likelihood,
I simply used conflicting patches, or used them in the wrong order.

I finally got around it by just getting the latest (1.3.18) and all of
VVs 1.3.18 patches and his spec file for the rpm.  Now it works GREAT!!
I tell you this is one sexy piece of software :)

Now to figure out what all those other patches were . . .
These are the ones I found and applied:
mutt-1.3.18.vvv.initials        ?
mutt-1.3.18.vvv.nntp            obviously the news stuff
mutt-1.3.18.vvv.quote           ?
mutt-1.3.18.vvv.ru              ?
mutt-1.3.18.vvv.ru2             ?

I noticed that there were some config directives removed and a few
added - including a check mailboxes so you can tell mutt to check your
mailboxes regardless of the imap_check_interval (which is one of the
ones removed).  I also noticed that the rpm for this version doesn't
install any documentation at all.  Hmm.

Other comments, 1.3.18 is a lot more intelligent about telling you
where you have new messages - probably because it is checking
mailboxes at each operation (probably means I skipped a patch that
shipped with the distro I had).  The colors are goofy, so I will have to
tweak them back into place.  No biggie though - just don't leave the
normal color settings at default.

I spent a while subscribing, checking mail, checking news, deleting, etc.
This is the first message I am sending, and I haven't yet tried any
saves or mailbox creation (I am using IMAP just in case you are
wondering), or anything else fancy, but so far not a single complaint.

Anyway, thank you very much for the feedback.

Louis LeBlanc
Fully Funded Hobbyist, KeySlapper Extrordinaire :)
http://acadia.ne.mediaone.net                ԿԬ

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