Quoting Thomas Roessler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> http://www.does-not-exist.org/roessler/flower.sl
> http://www.does-not-exist.org/roessler/mail_mode.sl
> flower.sl is for text/plain; format=flowed; mail_mode.sl is the mail 
> mode proper.  flower extends and needs mail_mode.

Thomas, I'm unable to get this version of mail_mode.sl to work properly.
When replying to a mail message, jed tells me 'loading
/usr/local/jed/lib/mail_mode.sl,' but none of the new functions work and I
don't get colors.  I've used an 'older' version of mail_mode for some time
very successfully.

- Using jed 0.99.13, mutt 1.3.9i
- Autoload statement is in .jedrc: autoload("mail_mode","mail_mode");
- .muttrc has set editor="/usr/local/bin/jed %s -tmp -f mail_mode" 
- I've added (and deleted) your recommended mail_mode_hook to no avail to
- USE_ANSI_COLORS = 1 (set)
- I've replaced my customized .jedrc with the default from the distribution
       and made the above changes, with no success.
- Using jed on other types of files works fine, proper syntax colorization,
        it's just with mail_mode that I have a problem.

Any suggestions?


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