I run debian Potato and have used kmail for some time. I'm now trying
to set up my email differently.

So far I have setup getmail and procbox for pulling and filtering my
mail from a POP account with an ISP. I've installed Mutt and read a
good deal - man pages, the Manual and the contributions on the
official web site. 

There is so much information available, but I cannot get the basics
clear in my mind. 

My mail is pulled to my /home/user/Mail directory which contains
folders for filtered stuff from specific sources and an inbox for
the remainder. I selected one of the .muttrc files on the web site
(it was Felix von Leitner's) and amended and adjusted according to
what I perceive as my simple needs. 

If I merely launch mutt, it refers to '/var/spool/mail/user' and
says 'no messages'. If however I use 'mutt -f /home/user/Mail/inbox'
(or /mutt, /debian, /auntsally etc), I get the contents of the quoted
folder for viewing without problems. I've tried various changes to 
.muttrc, but so far have not hit upon the correct one (I assumed
'set folder=' would work but it does not). 

Additionally, when after reading the mail I type 'd' for deletion,
the folders I'm in is deleted.

Would some knowledgeable person kindly let me know what stupid 
errors I'm  making. 

Thanks, John. 

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