On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 06:38:20PM +0200, Christoph Ulrich Scholler wrote:
> the relevant config line is:
> set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15F (%4c) %s"
> the headers of these messages look quite normal to me.  neither of the
> three messages above is from myself.  all have been sent to me.
> a problem that is probably related to this one is that replying to a
> message like the first two shown above suggests sending the email to
> myself instead of to the person who sent it to me.  this behaviour
> puzzles me.

 %F will show who the message was sent TO (rather than FROM) if Mutt thinks
the message was sent by YOU.  Use %f instead if you don't like that behavior.

The reason it suggests sending back to yourself when you reply is because
Mutt thinks YOU were the one who sent it.  :-)  if that is not the case,
double check your $alternatives variable to make sure you aren't catching
email addresses that don't belong to you.


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