Am 2001-07-04 schrieb Brendan Cully: 
> Can I assume from your 16-line signature that you are trolling?

I had to 'dict troll' to understand, but no, I'm not. For the reasons
see my answer to suresh.
I don't want to be flamed - but I dislike spam even more, and that's what
happend to me :-(

IMHO it's better to put all that stuff into a .sig and mark it a signature,
rather then to switch off the '-- ' via muttrc, make the third part the
second and happily put the dashes only just before the Herberg-lines.

*** Hiermit widerspreche ich einer gewerblichen Nutzung meiner Daten ***
*** gemäß § 1 UWG und §823 BGB. Zuwiderhandlungen werden verfolgt.   ***
   /   /            /                  Georg Herberg
  /___/ ___   ___  /__  ___  ___  ___  Marinesiedlung 10 b, 29348 Eschede
 /   / /__/  /  / /  / /__/ /  / /  /  Ph: +49 5142 416393 Fax 416395
/   / /__   /    /__/ /__  /    /__/   Mobile:  +49 1 70 / 2 32 81 19

PGP signature

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