Sander Smeenk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said something to this effect on 07/19/2001:
> I want 'c' to do 'change-folders, ?, tab' so I did 'macro index c "c?\t"'
> But ofcourse that introduced a macro-loop. I solved this by doing a
> 'bind @ change-folders', and then 'macro index c "@?\t"'. But now I'm
> wondering if this is the best way to do this, or wether you can tell
> mutt to use the binded value of c :)

c is bound by default to <change-folder>; use that in your macro:

macro index c "<change-folder>?\t"

You can get this by hitting ? in any screen (you get the bindings
for that screen).


There's no money in poetry, but there's no poetry in money, either.
    -- Robert Graves

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