On Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 12:53:28AM -0400, Louis LeBlanc
> Yes, I am using L (l is actually limit-messages or something), and I
> do have all the list addresses in my lists line.  Unfortunately, I
> would still like mail sent to just one to be flagged as list mail as
> well without trying to reply to them all when someone else makes the
> mistake.  At the very least, a list reply should cut out all non-list
> addresses (I am mildly opposed to people asking a list for help if
> they don't deem even a temporary subsctiption worthwile, and so I
> generally just reply to the list anyway).

They're in your list line -- but are they in your subscribe line?
I'm not sure if that makes a difference.[1]

Regardless, you might want to use procmail to strip out
Mail-Followup-To: headers if you do not want in general
to send followups to anyone but the list.  (Well, or rename
it so you can see who else wants replies if you're feeling
generous.  ^_^)

Something like

* ^From.*mutt-users
  :0 fw
  |formail -i Mail-Followup-To:


Tested: The first time I started this followup, David Champion was in
the Cc: list.  I stopped, edited the original message to take out the
MFT header (but leaving in the Cc:), and the next time list-reply did
not add a Cc:.  I didn't test what it did with other things in To:
lines, but you could do the same sort of thing as above with the To:
line (changing it to just the list).

[1] Actually, I guess they must be, otherwise MFT: would have had your
address, too.

Jim Toth

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