As fate always has it, I just fixed this about 5 minutes -after- my post
;)  I was checking some stuff on Sven Guckes' page and saw his
autocommand line to set mutt-only settings (since I didn't like
disturbing my coding settings).  After setting that I changed the editor
line to just 'vim' and it started working as I expected ;)  If any vim
junkies can clarify Chris' question, could you also clue me in as how to
count X lines from the top ?  This way I can turn on edit_headers but
still have the cursor start where the text would.  Thanks!


* Chris Gushue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010731 23:33]:
>Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 22:26:51 -0500
>From: Chris Gushue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Mutt Users <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: mutt/vim cursor positions
>User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.19i
>Kyle Knack ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>> On a side note, and this is definately vim related, I have defined a
>> color in my vimrc for message signatures, however with my sig, it colors
>> up to the "Kyle Knack" but not the quote.  Funny how it's similar to my
>> cursor problem.  Maybe I should just kill the quote ;)  Any help is
>> appreciated.  Thanks!
>If you're using my set editor="blah" line, that makes perfect sense. The
>last bit on the line calling vim makes the cursor jump to the first
>blank line from the bottom (this next line should all be on one line):
>set editor='vim + -c "set textwidth=72" -c "set wrap" -c "set nocp"
>       -c "?^$"'
>If you make vim search for the -second- blank line from the bottom, that
>should work just fine. I -think- you can do this by using "2?^$", but
>I'm not too sure offhand... vim gurus, feel free to clarify that.
>I forget what the default cursor position is, but
>it bothered me enough to change it :)
>Chris Gushue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>mutt config files -
>bplog news system -

Kyle Knack

"Three o'clock in the afternoon is always just a little 
too late or a little too early for anything you want to do."
 -- Jean-Paul Sartre

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