On Thu, Aug 02, 2001 at 12:09:57PM -0400, Mr. Wade wrote:
> Thomas Huemmler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Will,
> > 
> > * Will Yardley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010802 08:11]:
> > > I have: color indicator brightwhite brightblue in my .muttrc.
> > > 
> > > For some reason if I check my mail on the console from either
> > > a Linux or FreeBSD machine (mutt itself is on a debian linux
> > > machine) the indicator bar blinks on and off, which is
> > > obviously very hard to take after a little bit.
> > > 
> > put off the 'bright' of the background-color should help.
> Awhile back, I had stumbled across the flashing effect of using
> the "bright" prefix when specifying background colors.  I
> consider it a nice an "undocumented feature."  I use it in my

it's not undocumented - it's a well-known aspect of VGA's which is abused
by slang (using "blink" to get bright colors - ignoring what the terminfo
or termcap states).

> color scheme to draw my attention to very important items, such
> as specific headers I want to be sure I don't miss, my own name
> in an email body, etc.  The bright flashing yellow amidst the
> cyan letters on the blackground really catches my attention!  =)
> -- 
> Linux: The Choice of the GNU Generation

Thomas E. Dickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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