Hi to all!

I think I have found a bug.  When I send this mail:
 From: Heidi und Andy Spiegl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Bcc: Heidi Spiegl <heidi>, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: test


then the mail simply disappears!
In the syslog I see:
 Aug  5 23:23:31 hamster sm-mta[931]: f764NVtI000931: collect: premature EOM: Error 0
 Aug  5 23:23:31 hamster sm-mta[931]: f764NVtI000931: collect: unexpected close on 
connection from localhost, sender=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Error 0
 Aug  5 23:23:31 hamster sm-mta[931]: f764NVtI000931: from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
size=0, class=0, nrcpts=3, proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA, relay=spiegl@localhost []

When I start mutt like this "mutt -F /dev/null" it doesn't work either and
in the status line of mutt appears:
 Error sending message, child exited 127 (Exec error.).

What's more when I put more addresses in the Bcc-line I don't see ANYTHING
in the syslog either.  Just:
 Aug 5 23:34:58 hamster sendmail[1703]: f764YwqY001703: Authentication-Warning: 
hamster.int.radiomaranon.org.pe: spiegl set sender to [EMAIL PROTECTED] using -f
Nothing more than that and the mail DISAPPEARS.

But when I don't include "Heidi Spiegl <heidi>" in the Bcc-line then
everything works as it should!

This is pretty annoying because I have no idea how many mails have already
disappeared this way.  So I got to find the error.  Please tell me if I can
provide any more information to find this bug.  Or is it a bug of sendmail?

Please help!

I am using sendmail version: 8.11.3+8.12.0.Beta7-8 (from Debian)
and mutt version: 1.3.15-2 (from Debian, too)

Thanks for any pointer,

PS: While at it: after resend-message mutt leaves the Fcc line empty.
    How can I change that?

 Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú
 URL: http://spiegl.de, http://radiomaranon.org.pe
 PGP/GPG: see headers
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