Atiz --

...and then [EMAIL PROTECTED] said...
% I have a bit of a problem with mutt 1.2.5i that I have set up on a 
% debian 2.2 box: it does not want to show me in what folders do I have

Do you mean it never says "new mail in ..." or simply that it doesn't
tell you in the format you'd like?

The most common reason for not hearing about new mail, assuming you have
defined your mailboxes in your muttrc, is something else (like, say, your
shell) also checking for new mail.  If other programs are looking at the
files, mutt won't see the change (see below).

% new mail. I am thinking about writing a wrapper around mutt which
% would give me little different folder listing not just showing which
% folders have new mail, but also how many new mails are there in a
% particular folder. Now the problem is how can I get the needed data
% form mutt? Where does mutt save its data, and in what format? 

mutt doesn't keep such data, but instead only has a list of mailboxes
it knows to check.  mutt checks the mailboxes' timestamps to see if
the modification time (when mail was written into it) is later than the
access time (when the box was last read, or at least opened) and assumes
from that that new mail has arrived.

Rather than parse each folder to see how many messages are new, which
could take a very long time, mutt simply notes the timestamp change.

Given that, you could implement a wrapper any way you wished, but I have
no idea how to get mutt to display the output of your wrapper instead of
its folder listing.  Good luck :-)

% Atiz

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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