Thus spake Eric Peterson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> Perhaps I'm missing the goal, but if you just want to occasionally
> clean out your trash, why not let Mutt do it?

My goal was two-fold:  get the job done and learn Python :-)  

> Here's my (admittedly quick and dirty) trash maintenance stuff, with
> lots reused [i.e. stolen :-] from earlier postings to the list:

Cool, I'll have a look!  

> So all one needs to do is occasionally (I probably do it weekly just
> to drag something back out) visit your trash folder, then before
> leaving, mark the tagged messages as deleted.

Yeah, but see... there's some manual work involved.  I'd rather not have
to open the unnecessarily large folder over IMAP in the first place.  

> It scares me a bit to have something other than a "mail" program
> dinking with my mailboxes...

Heh, that's why the first release only touches the trash folder... :-)

[ ] -- Justin R. Miller - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- [ ]
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