I wrote:
> This worked perfectly in 0.95.6i.  Now that I've upgraded to 1.2.5,
> though, it only works part of the time.  All of these escape macros
> are listed when I hit ?, but if I actually try to use them, sometimes
> they work, and sometimes they appear to just do nothing at all.
> Often, if I try one and it does nothing, if I just try it again one or
> two times, it works.  The odds of success seem to be different for
> each macro.  For example, my esc-E macro works roughly 50% of the
> time, while my esc-P macro seems to work fewer than 1 out of 10 tries.

Someone suggested to me that it might be a timing problem, which set
of a bell, so I experimented, and it definitely is.  Looking at the
truss output in this light, it became obvious:

when it didn't work:
> poll(0xEFFFC460, 1, 600000)                     = 1
> poll(0xEFFFC378, 1, 10000)                      = 1
> read(3, "1B", 1)                                = 1
> poll(0xEFFFC460, 1, 100)                        = 1
> poll(0xEFFFC378, 1, 10000)                      = 1
> read(3, " P", 1)                                = 1
> poll(0xEFFFC3F8, 1, 0)                          = 0

when it did:
> poll(0xEFFFC460, 1, 600000)                     = 1
> poll(0xEFFFC378, 1, 10000)                      = 1
> read(3, "1B", 1)                                = 1
> poll(0xEFFFC460, 1, 100)                        = 0
> poll(0xEFFFC460, 1, 600000)                     = 1
> poll(0xEFFFC378, 1, 10000)                      = 1
> read(3, " P", 1)                                = 1
> open("/home/cos/.mutt/headers.poly", O_RDONLY)  = 5

That first poll after ESC is read, with a timeout of 100 milliseconds,
succeeds in the first example and doesn't in the second.  So, this
must be something that tries to guess whether I'm tying a function key
that sends an escape code, or actually typing escape by hand, by
looking at how quickly the next character comes.

I've got mutt running on two boxes exhibiting this behavior.  One of
them forces a delay of about 1 second, the other requires me to wait
more than a second and a half, for my escape combos to work.  How did
100 milliseconds turn into >1 second?  Why was the required delay so
small before that I never noticed it, and so large now that it gets in
the way of my typing?

I guess this has become more of an slang question than a mutt question.

  --  Cos (Ofer Inbar)         -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 "I am convinced that He [God] does not play dice."  -- Albert Einstein
 "But he [Einstein] was wrong.  And in fact, anyone who has played
  role-playing games knows that God probably had to roll quite a few
  dice to come up with a character like Einstein. :-)"  -- Larry Wall

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