Cliff Sarginson wrote:
> within directories.  I use mutt more and more but until recently have
> been using kmail as well. From kmail I have several child folders that
> I use for archiving old messages. I cannot access these in mutt, I
> cannot even change directory to them, since kmail seems to create them
> inside directories that have names starting with a "." and they don;t
> seem to be seen by mutt.

hrmm i had this problem when i still used maildir++ style nested
mailboxes.  You can view the folders though - just change your mask
around.  i used mask="^\\." which will only show directories starting
with a leading dot. 

you can definitely set directories starting with a trailing dot in
'mailboxes' too.  i used to have stuff like:

mailboxes =.labels
mailboxes =.lists:bind
mailboxes +.lists:bind9
mailboxes =.lists:debian-bsd
mailboxes =.lists:mutt
mailboxes =.lists:qmail


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