On Tue, Sep 11, 2001 at 08:58:19PM -0400, Jim Toth wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 11, 2001 at 03:15:07PM +0200, Cliff Sarginson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> > Hello,
> > A common sequence for me when reading new messages is to delete then
> > move to the next new message. My macro is as follows:
> > 
> > macro index <F10> d<tab> "Delete then go to next new msg"
> > 
> > Unfortunately when you delete a new message the pointer goes to
> > the next message in the index, so if you have 3 new messages in
> > a row, <F10> the first one, it jumps to the 3rd one.
> > Can I fix this ?
> Try changing the "resolve" variable.
> Something like
>  macro index <F10> "set noresolve;d<tab>;set resolve" "Delete then go to next new 
> (untested)
Afraid that does not work it interprets the 's' in the first "set" as a save command.

> I usually, before reading new messages, limit to new messages with the 
> ~N tag (see patterns in the mutt manual).

How will that help with delete command problem I am trying to solve ?
Thanks anyway !


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