Peter --

...and then Peter Lavender said...
% Hi everyone,

Hello again!

% I thought I had this working, but seems that I have broken something,
% and I'm not sure I'm using send and folder-hook correctly.

Did my hook examples and muttrc.* files help you?  I was going to go back
to a note I sent out recently in response to a similar request -- but it
was to you! :-)

% What I need to have happen is that my .sig changes, my From address is
% correct (which it is) and the reply-to: header is correct, and remove
% the vanitity headers.

Shouldn't be too tough.  Let's see, here...

% Thanks...
% =====
% # Setup the rest as defaults.
% folder-hook .    set signature=~/.signature
% folder-hook .    unmy_hdr *

Brutal, eh? :-)

% folder-hook .    my_hdr From: Peter Lavender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
% send-hook   .    my_hdr X-Operating-System: Linux/`uname -r` (`uname
% -m`)
% send-hook   .    my_hdr X-Uptime: \`uptime\`

This will do, but you might want to make these folder-hook calls instead
of using send-hook 'cuz you want to change them based on folder.  You
also might look at wrapping the my_hdr side in single quotes; I believe
you'll find with this setup that uptime gets evaluated once and then,
even if you have mutt running for three days, it never changess.  The
single quotes will force it to be evaluated when you expect it to be.

You might also check through the archives; this is only from memory.

% # Maxware config
% folder-hook "maxware" unmy_hdr *

While this will undo headers as you expect, they won't stay that way;
anything that's a send-hook will get executed when you start to send a
new message.

% folder-hook "maxware" set sort=reverse-date-received

That will do -- though that's the LookOut! way of sorting ;-)

% #folder-hook "maxware" reply-to=
% folder-hook "maxware" my_hdr From: Peter Lavender
% folder-hook "maxware" my_hdr Organization:MaXware Australia

Those should do since you can safely set such things at the folder level.

% #send-hook "maxware" unmy_hdr X-Operating-System: Linux/`uname -r`
% (`uname -m`)
% #send-hook "maxware" unmy_hdr X-Uptime: \`uptime\`

Your first posting was better, I think, since you'll need to undo
these headers for every mail -- unless you unhook them when you enter
the folder.  To wipe a header, though, you need only

  unmy_hdr X-Hook-Name:

without the RHS data that you provide when you create it.

% folder-hook "maxware" set signature=~/mail/maxware.sig

That ought to work just fine; the folder-hook here matches the
folder-hook above.

% fcc-hook "maxware" ~/mail/maxware-sent

That ought to do well, too, though you might want to make a directory
~/mail/maxware and then save under it just as you do your regular mail
(assuming you'd use save_name instead of just one big =sent).  See the %O
expando for more if you don't want to reset $folder for your maxware mail.

% Regards,

HTH & HAND again

% Pete.
% -- 
%                               Due to a lack of imagination, 
%                               this signature will remain 
%                               under construction indefinately.
I can't take it any more.  It's right here ---------------+ :-)

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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