On Fri, Sep 14, 2001 at 02:44:38PM -0400, David T-G wrote:
> Cliff --
> ...and then Cliff Sarginson said...
> % Hello
> % I am using send-hooks for different signatures.
> ...
> % 
> % This does not work, whatever order I put them in.
> % It still sends the .signature.nl
> Various hooks are handled differently; send-hooks, IIRC, stop at the
> first match.  Are you sure you've tried
>   default
>   duivel
>   nl
> in that order (sorry, but...)?  Nothing else looks out of the ordinary...

Yes they are in that order.
If I remove the normal Dutch signature, then my "duivel" signature is
used as expected.
Yup send hooks stop at the first match (I perused manual for any gotcha's)
So... ??
Bug ? (I am a programmer, and I am the last to cry "bug" ! lol)


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