On Sat, Sep 15, 2001 at 01:18:36PM -0400, Jean-Sebastien Morisset wrote:
> I decided to give GnuPG a try. I've exported/imported my keys and
> configured Mutt. The only thing that remains a mystery is how to retrieve
> new public keys from within mutt. I wrote a little script for PGP I used
> to call using "!pgp-get <address>", but that was a bit tedious, and one of
> the reasons I switched to GnuPG. I figure there must be some kind of
> semi-automatic method... Any hints?

You need to put

  keyserver wwwkeys.us.pgp.net

in your ~/.gnupg/options file (or whichever keyserver you want to
use).  Also, if you use a HTTP proxy, set the environment
variable http_proxy and add


to the ~/.gnupg/options file too.



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