Hi all,

I want to do some specific colorizing when I'm viewing mailing lists.
(I encountered some examples from Sven Guckes)

Unforunately, things don't work the way I think they should work.

== color definitions

# ~/.mutt/list-colors
color index brightblue    black "~h 'In-Reply-To: .*clerc\.nl'"
color index brightblue    black "~x '.*clerc\.nl'"
color index brightyellow  black ~P

# ~/.mutt/unlist-colors
color index white       black "~h 'In-Reply-To: .*clerc\.nl'"
color index white       black "~x '.*clerc\.nl'"
color index white       black ~P

== file with the problems in it ;)

# ~/.muttrc
subscribe mutt
lists     mutt


folder-hook .  "source ~/.mutt/unlist-colors"
folder-hook ~l "source ~/.mutt/list-colors"

The problem lies with the ~l : if I replace this with =mutt (where
procmail dumps all these mails) it works fine. Do I have to tell mutt
somehow that =mutt is a folder where mailing list mails are dumped in?


René Clerc                      - ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Friends will keep you sane, Love could fill your heart, A lover can warm
your bed, But lonely is the soul without a mate.
-David Pratt on alt.soulmates

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