>> still, that solution, while interesting (i could have opted for a bcc
>> to myname+fcc and made a .forward+fcc that just stuffed it in a file),
>> relies on the mta (mutt passes the message to the mta and the mta
>> splits it and effectively passes it back).  i have decided that i
>> don't trust the mta to get involved in this.
>Just out of curiosity, why don't you want the MTA to be involved
>in delivering the message?  That's what the MTA does!

because i am asuming the mta might be broken or malfunctioning somehow
and end doing one of dropping the message completely or at the very
least, not delivering me a separate copy.  by having mutt do all the
work, the mta is kept out of the loop.

>I think I would set up a send-hook that adds an X-Me (or
>whatever) header, which would be caught by a procmail
>rule, which would look something like:
>* ^X-Me:
>sent-`date +%m-%d-%Y`

this, of course, involves the mta.  seriously though, procmail doesn't
need to be involved.  a bcc to andrew+sent could get captured by
sendmail and forwarded directly to a file by the use of a file called
.forward+sent that said, for example


>Complimenting this would be a small cron entry:
>58 23 * * * (TODAY=`/usr/bin/date +"$HOME/Mail/sent-%m-%d-%Y"` \
>  /usr/bin/rm $HOME/Mail/send-today && \
>  /usr/bin/touch $TODAY && \
>  /usr/bin/ln -s $TODAY sent-today)
>which symlinks the current day's sent-* mbox to sent-today

i find it easier to have a cron job that just moves sent.today to
sent.whateverthedate was and leave creation of the file and symlinks
out of it.  i've already got that, in fact, for a different purpose.

|-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----|
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             * "ah!  i see you have the internet
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Brown)                that goes *ping*!"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       * "information is power -- share the wealth."

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