
On Wed, Oct 10, 2001 at 10:01:53AM -0400, David T-G wrote:
> % I want to save to more than one mailbox e.g. one "month.2001-10" and one
> % "customer.xy" mailbox to archive my mail and find it quickly. How can I 
> % do this, saving with FCC is according to manual limited to one mailbox.

Just for your interest, here is how I did it. Works fine.



:0 c:
OLD/today               <- rotatet every day to yesterday and then removed
:0 c:
OLD/ch                  <- rotatet every month to ch.2001-10 etc

set sendmail="/usr/local/bin/procmail /export/home/usr/ch/.procmailrc-out"

MAILDIR=/export/home/usr/ch/Mail        # You'd better make sure it exists

# mein monatlich rotiertes Gesamtarchiv
:0 c
|formail >> $MAILDIR/OLD/ch

# alle Mails von diesem Tag werden hier gespeichert
:0 c
|formail >> $MAILDIR/OLD/today

|/usr/lib/sendmail -t

Christian Hammers    WESTEND GmbH - Aachen und Dueren     Tel 0241/701333-0
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