Jerko Bostjan wrote:
> How can I make mutt to use different From: addresses ? I receive mail
> using fetchmail from two remote mailboxes to one local.
> When I reply I'd like mutt to chose From: address depending on the
> mail in To: filed.
> Hope I was clear enough what I want.

you might be able to use 'set reverse_name' (read the man page for more
info on this).

otherwise you probably want to use hooks of some kind - ie send-hooks or

look at the description of Simple Patterns in the muttrc man page for
ideas. you might want to use something like (untested):

send-hook .                     'unmy_hdr From:'
send-hook ~t you@you1\.com      'my_hdr From: Your Name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
send-hook ~t you@you2\.com      'my_hdr From: Your Name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'

your milage may vary (or someone else might point out why i'm dumb) but
this should get you in the right direction.

reading the man pages and looking at other peoples' .muttrcs online may
be of some help in figuring out the best way to accomplish what you want
to do.


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