Theo Bierman wrote:
> Does anyone know how to set the line length in mutt to 74 characters
> so the lines wrap

mutt doesn't have an editor, so this is a function of your editor.  in
vim you can use :set tw=74 or :set textwidth=74

nvi and other vi clones should be the same, but you can't use 'gqip' or
'gqap' to format lines (maybe install par).

if you use emacs, i'm sorry, and YOU are on your own :>

pico and nano wrap by default i think (although you might need to do
something to make them wrap at a specific number of characters).

if you specify what editor you're using, you're more likely to get a
response.  i think that if you haven't specified one in your .muttrc,
you'll get the default $EDITOR set in your environment.

mine is:

set editor="vim +'/^$/+1' -c 'set nohlsearch' +':set textwidth=72'
+':set wrap' +':fixdel' +':set t_kD=' +':set noai' +':syntax on'"

i have this and other stuff set in my .vimrc and .gvimrc as well.


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