
Check for 'mbox-hook's in the Manual.


On Thu, 15 Nov 2001 Markus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spoke thusly:
> Hi!
> I've a wish how mutt should handle my mails and I don't know how to realize
> this. I'm subscribed in several mailinglists and so my mbox grow's up.
> One solution is to use procmail - but now my wish:
> I want to get *every* new mail into /var/spool/mail/lordbyte. So this
> does my MTA. Now I want to start mutt and read all my new eMails an set
> flags like "read" to my mails.
> Now - when I quit mutt, I want the mails to be sorted in mailfolders.
> One idea was to define my mbox to smth. like "| formail -s procmail \
> /var/spool/mail/lordbyte". But this doesn't work.
> A second Idea was to define a macro wich sould do this job, but
> if I move mails with procmail mutt looses the flags.
> So - is in mutt any possibility to sort mails automatically?
> (I know save-hooks - but then I have to push "s <return>" for every mail.
> Thanks!
>   Markus
> -- 
> .o--=[ eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]=-----=[ internet: www.ce-terra.de ]=----o.

Prahlad Vaidyanathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                What, me worry ?
http://www.symonds.net/~prahladv/                    Don't Panic !

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