Sean LeBlanc wrote:

> Thanks for all the help everyone has given so far. I finally
> downloaded and installed vim, and set it up as the editor. I've been
> looking around for color config info...anyone have a favorite site, or
> a configuration file to share?

mine isn't very interesting, but:

% cat .vimrc
:set t_kD=^V<Delete>
:set textwidth=72
:set wrap
:set noai
:set nohlsearch
:set notimeout          " don't timeout on mappings
:set ttimeout           " do timeout on terminal key codes
:set timeoutlen=100     " timemout in 100 msec
map Q gqip
"map F {!}par 70qf<CR>
map F {!}par 70q<CR>
map S d/^--<CR>ko<CR>
map <F2> :1s/^From.*/From: Will Yardley <william@mymainaddress>/<CR>

the examples in /etc/vimrc should be helpful too.


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