On Wed, Nov 21, 2001 at 02:58:50PM -0700, Sean LeBlanc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not sure this is quite a Mutt question, but someone on here probably has
> a good answer. I have a hook for creating custom signature. In it, I call a
> program which sometimes generates really long lines which I have to wrap
> myself. Is there any way to have vim wrap them? I have textwidth set to 76,
> so that as I type, it wraps. But it does not wrap lines that are already
> there, if you know what I mean. If that's not possible, does anyone know of
> quick and dirty way to, say, do it in bash? It's already a bash script now.

You could use fmt or a similar tool. I would try:
or something similar.


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