
* Ken Ficara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [01-11-29 16:58]:
>I have a directory full of Unix mailboxes. I put a statement into my
>.muttrc like so:
>       set folder="/path/to/my/directory/of/mailboxes"
>I then start mutt so:
>       mutt -y
>and mutt sez
>       No incoming mailboxes defined.
>Huh? What am I doing wrong?
Nothing that I know of, but you leave something out:
        mailboxes `find /path/to/my/directory/of/mailboxes -type f -print | grep -Ev 
'(log|backup|sent|postponed|trash)' | xargs`
Somebody asked me about the xarg, and I couldn't really say whether
Mutt accepts one mailbox per line. I never tried: Never change a
running system.
$folder sets only the '=' and '+' special variables. I think.

>What I'm trying to do is start up mutt with a browser listing all the
>mailboxes in that directory.
That should work now.

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
        - Benjamin Franklin

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