On Wed, Dec 19, 2001 at 08:49:47AM +0100, Thorsten Haude (dis)graced my inbox with:
> defeat the very purpose of the quote signs. Wenn ich auf einmal die
> Sprache wecheln würde, nur damit es für *mich* klarer ist was ich
> schreibe, hätten die meisten anderen ebenfalls nichts davon.

I'm a little rusty on my german, but I think this means:

If I decide to speak a different language, it is only clearer for *me*
to write, but it screws everything up for everybody else.

I know that's not _quite_ right, but I'm too lazy to get out my
dictionary :)

> Thorsten
> -- 
> Intolerant people should be shot.

Too ironic!! We have to shoot you now, Thorsten :)

Rob 'Feztaa' Park
"I chased a girl for two years only to discover that her tastes 
were exactly like mine: We were both crazy about girls."
                -- Groucho Marx

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