Regarding the "From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed Jun 06 18:44:53
2001" lines in an mbox file...

What is the regular expression for matching whether the line in an mbox
file is the beginning of a new message?

What is the regular expression for matching lines like ">From" that should
have the ">" removed before being displayed?

I've been trying to figure it out, but I couldn't find an RFC on it. It
seems to be more complicated than simply /^From ./. This is what I've come
up with so far, but I may be wrong:

/^From (\s*[^ ]+\s+... ... .. ..:..:.. ....)/

I have the feeling that not all MUAs/MTAs are consistent in how they
handle this, because e.g. when I send an e-mail to a mailing list that has
a line beginning with "From", when I get my message back it turns into
">From" (when being displayed by the MUA to me)!

Detecting the former is more important than the latter, since if I get the
latter wrong, it just means an extra ">" or a missing ">" in the message,
which doesn't matter unless it was a binary encoded file that had "From"
at the beginning of a line (unlikely). But if I get the former wrong, then
a whole message can get messed up.

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